October - December 2014, Issue
Paper Id | Name of Topic | Author | Subject | View | View |
IJRAR900001 | Value – Education | Dr. H. O. Joshi | Education | Paper | |
IJRAR900002 | A Study on Performance Evaluation of Selected Corporate Sector units of BSE – An Application of EVA | Dr. Kamlesh S. Dave and Mr. Bumtariya Nikunj N. | Commerce | Paper | |
IJRAR900003 | Knowledge Management : Emerging Perspectives | Dimple Diwan | Commerce | Paper | |
IJRAR900004 | A Comparative Study of Financial Soundness & Liquidity Analysis of Selected Pubic Sector and Selected Private Sector Non-Life Insurance Companies of India | Mr. Ketan H. Popat | Commerce | Paper | |
IJRAR900005 | A Comparative Study of Claim Analysis of Selected Pubic Sector and Selected Private Sector Non-Life Insurance | Dr. Harish M.Chandarana | Commerce | Paper | |
IJRAR900006 | New Dimensions in Advertising | Mrs. Mira J. Sinojia | Commerce | Paper | |
IJRAR900007 | Talent Management : A New Corporate Mantra | Gandhi Shraddha R. | Commerce | Paper | |
IJRAR900008 | A Study of Professional Attitude of Shikshan Sahayak Working in Secondary School | Dr. Ajay A. Boricha | Education | Paper | |
IJRAR900009 | Problems of Female B.Ed. Students - A Study | Mr.Digvijay J. Makvana | Education | Paper | |
IJRAR900010 | Peer Learning | Dr. Bhavika G. Pandya | Education | Paper | |
IJRAR900011 | Career Success in a Competitive World : Soft Skills – a Need of an Hour | Dr. Dushyant Nimavat | English Literature | Paper | |
IJRAR900012 | Some Suggestions for Quality in Higher Education | Dr. J. R. Sonwane | Education | Paper | |
IJRAR900013 | Impact of Nuclear Effects on Neutrino Oscillation Results | Jyotsna Singh & R. B. Singh | Physics | Paper | |
IJRAR900014 | A Comparative Study of Mental Health Potentialities of Adolescents and the Middle-aged | Dr. Hemlata Joshi | Psychology | Paper | |
IJRAR900015 | Level of Academic Anxiety Among Hindi and English Medium Students | Dr Arpita Kackar | Psychology | Paper | |
IJRAR900016 | Literary Oeuvre of Khalil Gibran: A Resplendent Repository of Wisdom and Humanity | Dr. Rakhi Vyas | English | Paper |